Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Panic in The Year Zero (1962)

Director Ray Milland

We watched this as a double feature with "Last Man on Earth," which was not nearly as good as this movie.
This movie is about a nuclear attack hitting the world, and a family's attempt to survive in the chaos that is the world after the attacks. As a feminist, I am not a big fan of old movie's just because they portray woman as stupid, silly little things that only get in the way. However, I was willing to look past that because of the pure genius of the father in the film. Finally, someone in these kinds of movies stops being an idiot and does everything they need to to survive. Everything this man did in the movie was well thought out and spared the bickering and denial that is usually present in survival movies. I highly recommend this movie, as it is a relief from the "what the hell are you thinking" type of movies.

4 Z's